Upward Bound

What is Upward Bound?  

Through this program, you’ll receive fundamental support to prepare for college. That support may include:  

  • academic support.  
  • career counseling/guidance assistance.  
  • personal growth and development.  
  • improved access to higher education through college planning.  
  • the chance to visit several colleges and universities.
  • culturally-enriching events and programs.
  • connections to community service opportunities.
  • peer networking and leadership skills.
  • Saturday-morning sessions twice per month during school year. 
  • guest speakers, panels and workshops.

Take advantage of these other great opportunities.

  • Summer component: A residential, on-campus program that lasts for at least four weeks, plus a five day out-of-state college tour. You'll stay in College of Charleston residence halls and experience life as a future college student. 
  • The opportunity to take one free class at College of Charleston after high school graduation to earn transferable college credit. 

Who is eligible to apply?  

First, you must be a college-bound students in ninth, tenth or eleventh grade. College-bound means you have demonstrated academic potential beyond high school.  

The program mainly serves the following Charleston County schools:  

  • Burke 
  • North Charleston  
  • Stall 
  • St. Johns 
  • West Ashley 

You can also apply from throughout the Charleston County School District and/or North Charleston city limits (Ft. Dorchester High School).  

To be eligible for Upward Bound, here is what the U.S. government says you need: 

The majority of our students must be considered potential first-generation college, meaning neither parent has earned a bachelor's degree. You also must show financial need based on federal guidelines. However, some of our students can be "either/or," as long as MOST participants are in both categories. 

If you're not sure what this means or if you qualify, we are happy to discuss it with you and your family. 

Most of all, you must want to go to college right after high school and be motivated to work hard to get there!

If this sounds like you then it's time to apply to Upward Bound. Be sure to review the application steps below for important details.  


Apply to Upward Bound

How to Apply

If you meet the application requirements, then you should apply. Here's how you do it, in three easy steps.